Friday, June 21, 2019

A Resilient Family

All families go through hard times and crises, but sometimes these hard times can cause strain and even break family relationships. Family who are resilient can get through tough times together and come out with stronger relationships full of love and trust. But what makes a resilient family?

A resilient family:
-         - Has accord/relationships that foster problem-solving and conflict well
a resilient family learns how to deal with problems together. Maybe teenagers who have busy schedules with extracurricular activities learn how to share the car and make sure everybody can get to where they need to go.

-         - Celebrations: birthdays, holidays, etc.
Families who make sure to take time to celebrate together will grow closer. Taking turns celebrating individuals by celebrating birthdays will help foster a feeling of love and trust toward each other. Celebrating holidays can lead to traditions, which are also important in making a resilient family.

-         - Communicates beliefs and emotions
Even though a family spends so much time together and affects each other’s beliefs, everyone has their own opinions. A resilient family has fostered enough trust and love for every member to feel open about sharing their beliefs without fearing being disowned by family members.

-         - Hardiness can go through things and do things successfully
This one was hard for me to define, but the first thing I thought of was completing a project like doing a deep clean of the house. Everyone has a responsibility and is supposed to complete it a timely manner. Other family members can help with the task, and when it’s all done, the family will feel accomplished together.

-         - Good financial management
I can’t stress this enough. Most people are so stressed out about money and finances, but if they learned how to confidently manage their money, it would cause less of a burden. Also, many crises include money strains. Make sure you have an emergency fund and a separate savings fund. Don’t let money run your life!

-         - Physical and emotional health
If your mind and body is healthy and happy, you will feel healthy. Families who can be emotionally available will be able to talk about how they feel within crises, and everyone can work together to help each other feel secure.

-         - Shared leisure activities
Every family needs a healthy amount of competition, and that can be found within leisure activities. Leisure activities also bond the family together as they have experiences together.

-         - Accept personality and behaviors of other family members
Let’s be real, some family members can seem kooky, but it is imperative that everyone feels like they can be themselves around their family. Being accepting of your family members gives everyone one less thing to worry about.

-        -  Social support network of friends and relatives
Family and friends can be a good support in times of crises, but you shouldn’t let them step over boundaries. They have their time in place, but when crap happens, your immediate family is what matters the most.

-         - Sharing routines like chores and family meals
I am a HUGE advocate for family meals. They are so important in making a family more unified. It’s during family dinner when we laugh and talk and share feelings. We learn more about each other and how we interact.

-         - Traditions that are carried from one generation to the next.

All in all, a resilient family is built from love, respect, and trust. Building these attributes I have listed above can be the glue that holds them together during hard times and crises. I encourage you to incorporate ways to help your family become more resilient. 

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