Friday, July 19, 2019

Things I've Learned This Semester

1. I am prideful, and I’m not proud of it. Haha! But really, I have a hard time saying sorry when I’ve hurt or offended anyone because I’m embarrassed for hurting people, or because I think I’m right. I think I disguise my pride with independence sometimes, I like to do things for myself, by myself, and I don’t like people trying to help me.

2. The right friends make a difference. I have always been someone who treasures friendships, to the point of wishing I could be with some old friends again, or hardcore missing the times I’ve had with specific people. This semester I have had really amazing friends. They’ve been so great that I haven’t been missing people like I used to. Of course, I get the occasional case of nostalgia, but It hasn’t been as bad recently.

3. Going to bed at 10 or 11 is amazing.

4. I wake up better when I have something to look forward to that day, or the next. It motivates me to get out of bed and get stuff done. I need to find more things to do that actually make me excited to wake up.

5. I could never marry a woman. I like guys way too much. Actually, I just tend to understand and work with guys better. They are much more straightforward and logical, which makes it really easy to get things done, have conversations with, and so on. Women confuse me sometimes, haha! (I do have to say, I like my girl-friends. They can relate to me more on a biological level.)

6. Doing dishes isn’t as hard or annoying as my brain always tells me it is. It can be pretty relaxing, or at least makes you not bored. I like listening to CarTalk as I wash my plates and pots and pans. (if you know what CarTalk is, please tell me in the comments!)

7. Families are so important. As I talked about in my first blog post, raising and being a healthy family is the best thing you can do to make society better. Also, I haven’t liked school this much until this semester, when I’ve finally found something I like to learn about.

8. I should have stayed on campus more. I’m the student that walks to class as fast as I can, and then walks home as soon as I can when class is over. One day my roommate and I had lunch on campus and we both realized how nice it is to see other humans interacting with each other and how motivating and refreshing it is. I think next semester I’m going to try to stay on campus more. I’ll get more work done and have some people-watching time.

9. “You won’t have acne when you’re an adult” is a bold-faced LIE.

10. My Grandma Alice is so nice to talk to. I called her for the first time this semester this week, and I regret that. I should have called her more often. I love the sound of her voice, her sense of humor, and her stories. She also thinks I’m funny which makes me feel good!

11. Blogging is actually super fun! And more people read these than “like” my Facebook posts about them, which gives me false pretenses on who actually reads theses. It makes me happy to know people actually care about what and think, but It kinda freaks me out when someone mentions that they read my blog haha!

12. Back to friends. I have some pretty amazing ones that I don’t talk to all them time, but when I really need them, they are there for me. In a world of so much uncertainty and people changing, it’s really nice to know I have a few friends that will always be there to support me. I wish I could name them, but I don’t want to hurt the people I leave out.

This spring semester has been wonderful. I have learned so much from teachers, friends, and by observation. I think I would like to continue to blog in the future! Please let me know in the comments if you’d like to read more from me & what you would like me to talk about.

Thanks for sticking with me this semester!
Rexburg, ID 2019

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